One of the most distinctive features of the Life to the Full Catholic Relationships and Health Education programme is emphasising the vital role that parents have in nurturing their children on these matters.
Ten Ten Resources provides a variety of resources and tools to help us engage with our parents and carers - as first educators.
- Parent Consultation Tool provides parents and carers with a full and honest appraisal of the Life to the Full programme
- Online Parent Portal provides an overview for parents of every session, including suggestions for Home Learning activities.
- Hosting Parent Sessions provides a way for you to engage parents and carers in topics relating to Life to the Full by hosting information sessions either online or in school.
Each Unit of work also has an Assessment Activity associated with it.
This enables each teacher to assess whether the outcomes of the programme are being achieved, and also demonstrates evidence of progress. As Relationship and Health Education is now a statutory subject, thorough evidence of assessment is even more important.
We have one simple Assessment Activity to each Unit of sessions.
The activities take into account the Learning Objectives of the sessions within the Unit and provide before and after evidence that learning has taken place.
Building on the wealth of experience we have gathered through our Ten Ten Prayer and Liturgy programme, each Unit has its own unique classroom prayer. Sometimes, these are simple prayers to be prayed collectively, at other times they might be more traditional prayers or adopt a variety of prayer styles.
As part of the prayer resources, there are 9 worship songs which link directly to the sessions for the Module and provide a Spirit-filled focus to the teaching. There are singalong videos, instrumental videos and sheet music, and our children enjoy engaging with these songs as part of the delivery of the programme.
Watch Paradise Street – Episode One
Watch Episode One of our 11-part drama series for Year 5 and 6, Paradise Street. Paradise Street is an original drama series for Upper Key Stage Two which follows the story of 4 friends – Finn, Leyla, Marcus and Siobhan – who have different personal and social experiences related to growing up and puberty.
Each episode lasts about 10 minutes and is followed by a time of teacher-led discussion with the pupils. Each session also includes an episode of ‘Delving Deeper into Paradise Street’ in which two fun presenters explore the issues in the drama and provide some teaching for pupils (which also acts as guidance and support for teachers).
Each concludes with a time of personal writing in aModule 1 Workbook which will help the pupils to digest and personalise the teaching.