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School Prefects

St Mary’s has thirteen new prefects this year who will carry out a number of roles as ambassadors for the school.

Mental Health Ambassadors

‘All the classes have spent quite a lot of time talking about metal health and wellbeing. We have also had a ‘Wellbeing Week’ and took part in different activities from the Abbey’s ‘Take Five’ online festival. We want to promote Children’s Mental Health Week and fundraise for Place2B, the children’s mental health charity.’
Fair Trade Ambassadors

Last year St Mary’s was awarded the Fair Aware Award. This year two of our prefects are helping the school work towards the Fair Share Award. They are preparing a Fair Trade video which will be shared with each class and supporting activities during Fair Trade Fortnight.
Tuck Shop Prefects

This term the school tuck shop has been organised separately by each class, rather than being organised collectively as a school. The Tuck Shop Prefects prepared a questionnaire for each class, to establish which items are the most popular and to find out what else could be stocked in future.
Eco Warriors

Pupils will be carrying out litter patrols each week, to make sure that the school grounds are clean and tidy. They have also designed posters to remind everyone about saving energy and putting litter into the correct recycling bins.
Pupil Librarians

Our pupil librarians have ordered a topic box from the Devon Schools’ Library Service for each class containing a range of books which they selected for each of the different age groups.
Digital Leaders

Each class learns about online safety as part of their Computing lessons. As our Digital Leaders have not been able to support other classes with their Computing lessons this year, they are only able to support Burrator pupils, but are looking forward to using the new Chromebooks.
Health and Safety Prefect

This year everyone has been thinking more about hand hygiene and keeping safe. Our Health and Safety Prefect met with the school’s Health and Safety Co-ordinator to talk about school safety
General roles

Our prefects have specific roles, but also carry out general duties. For example, they have acted as tour guides during school Open Days and received some very favourable comments that are listed in our visitors’ book:

‘Very impressive, the children have been very helpful and informative.’
‘An absolutely brilliant tour of your lovely school.’
End of year presentations

Congratulations to these pupils who received the following awards at St Mary’s this year:

  • Curriculum Award
  • Sportsperson Award
  • Spirit of Devon Award
  • Sheila Cocks Award
  • Helen Foundation Arts Award